Orange Roses Bouquet
from: R380.00
Top-quality Orange Roses Bouquet arranged in a bunch wrapped in gold paper tied with organic raffia. Same day delivery in Johannesburg.
Orange Roses Bouquet
Different shades of top-quality orange roses are presented in a bouquet wrapped in luxurious gold craft and tissue paper. The bunch is tied with organic raffia. The stems are fitted with water tubes to prevent wilting. This is the perfect gift for any occasion or celebration. Available throughout the year.
Upon receiving your flowers, remove tubes from rose stems, and cut 2.5cm off each flower stem before assembling. Also, see our link to learn about our recipe for How to Keep Flowers Fresh.
Delivery and Payment
Orders can be delivered or collected at our premises.
We only offer delivery to certain areas in Johannesburg. See our delivery areas and rates.
Same-day delivery or collection only applies to orders placed before 10:00 AM.
If you are not completely happy with your purchase, see our Return And Refund Policy.
We offer a fast, safe and secure online payment method via PayFast.
Additional information
Amount Of Roses | 12 Roses, 24 Roses, 50 Roses, 100 Roses |
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